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REVIEW: FallFiftyFeet-Twisted World Perspective


Good morning, I’m Rick, and that’s the first FallFiftyFeet album Twisted World Perspective. 

FallFiftyFeet is an American metalcore band, formed in Wheeling, WV, they’re around for a very short while, they released their first singles this year, and now they have released their first album Twisted World Perspective, the band has a more classic metalcore vibe, with mathcore influences, like many classic bands, which is always very interesting, so I thought it would be cool to talk about it here, so here we go. 

The first two songs, The Gloom and Parting Gift are easily the best songs in the album, they have a with very aggressive riffs and a very brutal delivery, both made by vocalist and guitarist James Becca, the harsh vocals in this album are no shorter than insane, especially in songs like “Objects in the Mirror are Closer than they Appear” which by the end of the song has a set of screams that can be described as simply chilling, the riffs, as I mentioned before, are great, they are very aggressive, very brutal, the way I like metalcore, the melodic passages here are also great most of the time, sometimes they’re a little underwhelming, but still, the riffs are very good, the vocal delivery is great, songs like “Parting Gift”, “Anything that can go Wrong”, “Shortcuts to Hell”, they’re all great headbanging tunes, “The Gloom” for most the time is a very slow and sludge track, which I personally love, this album is very well made for an independent Bandcamp metalcore band,  and yes it’s great, I really liked it. 

There are problems, the lyrics are particularly not very good, sometimes they sound pretentious and overly edgy, other times they don’t seem to rhyme, other times are rhymed very poorly (in “Parting Gift” there’s a point they rhyme “away” with...guess what, also “away”), the lyrics sound like they were made by a teenager, the production also leaves to be desired, it isn’t bad, but I can barely hear the bass in it, and also, it can’t be said this album offers anything new to the table, this entire project, is very formulaic, it’s sounds a little too much with bands like Converge, and Car Bomb, I can understand, it’s a new band, but still I think it’s good to be talked about. 

This review will probably be a little weird, it will get short, I don’t think I can really get 600 words to talk about it, because, I admit, I'm not with much head to talk about albums in the moment, and I don’t really know what to talk about it, so here’s a probably last thing. 

Twisted World Perspective is overall a great metalcore and mathcore, it’s not the most innovative thing in the universe, it’s not going to recreate the style from scratch or something like that, but if you want a heavy, headbanging metalcore album (I would say fun too, but in the Bandcamp page of the album it says that it was dedicated to friends of the band who died, so I think that would sound a little weird), I can say this is for you, FallFiftyFeet, if still doing this same sound, or even evolving more this sound, has the potential to be a great and very respected band, be it in the mainstream or in the underground,  it’s essentially a very good debut, with flaws of course, but my point still stands, I wish luck to all the members of the band, it’s really good, I give this a.... 


And that’s it, if you liked this review, follow me on twitter, like the twitter post where I share the post, and if possible help me on ko-fi, that’s it and BYE BYE. 


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