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The Fifteently music review post. #02

The cover of this edition, isn't it cute??

Hi everyone i'm rick. And today i'm coming with the Fifteently music short review and reccomendation post. Are you ready for it, good, so LET'S GO.


RICHARD YOUNGS-Automatic North

RELEASE DATE:November 23rd, 2022

GENRE:”Progressive” Electronics



Umm, cool electronic noises, accompanied by what sounds like either a rattle or a tambourine that beats irregularly, cool. Let me guess, it’s going to be just that repeated for an insumournably long amount of time with no changes whatsoever??

(18 minutes later)

Wow. I lost my time.

QUINN-I’m Going Insane

RELEASE DATE:March 20th, 2022

GENRE:”Experimental Hip Hop



“Uhh, but this is not a brand new album, it came out in march ewewew” SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Anyway, this mixtape is so middling I literally forgot to make a small review about it, it has some cool production things going, and some ideas are fine. The lyrics are really not to my taste. I don’t like crime crimey lyrics of these cloud rap albums. Some people like it, but it’s not my cup of tea, and they also aren’t particularly well written to begin with. The beats are boring, the rapping is boring. The mixtape is full of filler (one of them being just Quinn saying “Cuantos Anos Tienes” for 4 seconds). and despite being 34 minutes long it feels 65 minutes long. I can’t really think of any song I liked on it.

It’s not without merit, I liked some of the production, honestly the slightly above average score I gave is basically all due to this, i get the appeal it has to some people. But for me, it’s really forgettable.


RELEASE DATE:December 2nd, 2022

GENRE:”Drone Metal



Boris is back at Drone Metal, and it’s as good as it ever was.

This is what drone metal sounds when done right, the repetitiveness creates a great atmosphere and makes it a meditative, awesome album, to follow all the way through. The guitars are heavy, and VERY heavy at that. And despite it having little to no melodies, there’s still a sign of beauty in these songs that can’t be easily explained. The production is really good at conveying it. It’s not perfect, but it’s great.

That’s sounding like a bunch of weird gibberish that makes little to no sense, so i will say a very simple thing, it’s great, drone metal done right, it’s great, meditative, insanely heavy but still beautiful guitar music. It’s not perfect and it’s not the most innovative album ever. But it’s still very good.

MADLIB & MARK RONSON-Recycled Records EP

RELEASE DATE:December 14th, 2022

GENRE:Instrumental Hip Hop



Wow…this is worthless.

There’s literally nothing to say about it, it’s literally nothing. It's silence. It sounds like the beginning of a 25 minute video of some guy saying platitudes about whatever internet drama is happening right now in a sleepy voice while playing Minecraft parkour. It’s not awful, but there’s just nothing of value in it.


DELLA ZYR-Nebulous You

RELEASE DATE:December 15th, 2022

GENRE:Dream Pop



Absolutely beautiful EP, like most Longinus records this is kind of a slow burner and the songs are a little too long, But like most of the time, this really pays off with absolutely gorgeous melodies (especially in the second half), amazing, beautiful, ethereal vocals, Great emotional lyrics, the second half is simply heart-wrenchingly wonderful, the production could be better, like in most Longinus albums, but still, absolutely great.


RELEASE DATE:December 16th, 2022

GENRE:Progressive House



Didn’t expect much because of the cover, and now I can say that I'm really surprised.

Absolutely great, high energy progressive house/techno, with a great technical production and an amazing sense of melody. This album has absolutely catchy and intense songs, I really like how catchy this album feels…

Do you know when your head just feels like it turns off??like, this isn’t even related to the album, my mind just went completely blank, for no reason at all, i can’t hear and see some thoughts, but nothing is really lasting. Is it because I need sleep??Am I tired and need to rest??. I don’t know, I just know that my mind went completely white.

To finish: The album is amazing, the melodies and music in general is very fun and high energy in the best way possible, the production is great and really works in favor of the album. I like how fun it is. I really recommend it, and now I'm going to sleep.


RELEASE DATE:December 14th, 2022




This is a Polkadot Stingray album.

But what more can i say about, not much positive or negative, this album is mostly composed of songs that have no real flavor and go nowhere (the exceptions being “Achoi”, “Aquarium” and “Fudeki”,which is a really cool Nirvana, "Pablo Honey/The Bends" Radiohead-ish song, the first song is an interesting noisy intro, the last song is an awful pop song that sounds like ass and is annoying and flavorless.), the mixing is really low and it really kind of ruins the songs of the album, vocals are alright, lyrics are alright, most of it feels like boring dime-a-dozen Yakousei, but that’s not really a problem. It’s alright. I think that’s all I can really say about it. Like, listen if you want. But it’s really not going to stuck with me.


RELEASE DATE:December 21st, 2022

GENRE:Alternative Rock



One of the best things Weezer has done since 1996, and everything Weezer should be. This EP is catchy, relatable, full of really good and memorable riffs. Rivers vocals are surprisingly really good and effective, i really liked the “depressing christmas album” vibe of the entire thing, the only weak song is the weird “Sheraton Commander” and even that is not really bad as much as it doesn’t work in the album, the production is also pretty good, and the music in general is just great, it’s catchy, it’s bouncy, it’s everything i like about Weezer and something that they rarely do right. Yeah, it’s great and I really recommend it.


A BURDEN TO BEAR-With Empty Eyes and Hollow Hearts

RELEASE DATE:December 2nd, 2022




Pretty good melodic metalcore EP I found on instagram. The guitar tone and riffs are very good, the lyrics are well written, but a bit too edgy, the vocals are normal and so is the production, there’s not much i can say more, it’s very good if you just want to listen to some catchy melodic, almost power metal-ly metalcore, but if you wants something that reinvents the wheel, stay away from it. In any case, it’s a pretty decent EP.


YUNG LIXO-Validation

DATA DE LANÇAMENTO:16 de Dezembro de 2022




Eu nunca esperei que um dia eu desse um score realmente bom pro Yun Li. Sempre gostei dele como youtuber e eu também sempre gostei de algumas músicas dele. Mas eu nunca fui muito fã mesmo assim, eu sempre achei que tinha algo “off” nas músicas dele. Mas não nesse álbum. Esse álbum é sinceramente a melhor coisa que ele fez na carreira dele.

Vão se embora as letras infantis, os trapzismos irritantes, e os vocais sem emoção, entram as produções cheias de alma com um excelente uso de samples e , as letras pessoais e introspectivas e vocais cheios de emoção e alma, nenhuma das músicas desse álbum são um miss. Todas variam entre boas (Anjos da Guarda, I’m in Love) e Excelentes (Rumo a Vitória, Going Home, We Gold). O único ponto que eu não gostei tanto foram os vocais, pois infelizmente, o autotune continua no recinto trabalhando a todo vapor e algumas letras que eu demorei um pouco pra me acostumar. Mas mesmo assim, isso não tira a extrema qualidade do álbum.

Me sinto em 2018, nunca imaginei que um dia eu ficaria hypado com o futuro do Yung Lixo de novo. O mundo realmente dá muitas voltas, e é por isso que eu gosto desse mundo. Recomendo muito esse álbum pra quem gosta de rap.


RED VELVET & AESPA-Beautiful Christmas


Aww, I like this, this song is cute. 

It may be a little overproduced and silly, but the instrumental is pretty catchy, the lyrics are pretty alright, a little generic for a Christmas song, but it’s not bad, the vocals are pretty cool too. I don’t get why such a cute, inoffensive song can be so divisive with people, it’s probably because it’s a christmas song and it gets overplayed all the time this time of the year. But personally i really like it. I found it cute.

CYCLING IN MARMALADE-Christmas You Don’t Believe


Cycling in Marmalade is my favorite musical discovery i’ve made this year, and if you want to know why, you can listen to this beautiful christmas song made by him (it’s a one man project as far i’m concerned). The beautiful The Cure-ish guitar work and Morrissey-like vocals, that really work very, very well, the  beautiful lyrics, the good production, the catchy melodies, the only bad thing i have to say about this song is that it ends. Please, check this artist out, you won’t regret it.



Okay, enough christmas songs, new here’s a song about hanging scum.

Now really, this is very good, but i’m a little disappointed, i thought it’s nowhere as chaotic and heavy as many things like the (very based) cover would imply, plus being 2 Longinus bands, the production doesn’t really work in favor of the song. It’s very good though, the chemistry between the two is great. The screams Lua give on this song are genuinely horrifying and powerful, and this track is in general pretty good and catchy, having a good riff and a nice flow, it just could be a little heavier.



I don’t really get the hype, i mean it’s good, and it certainly doesn’t sound like most K-pop, the lyrics are also kinda cute i guess and the production is fine and the vocals are pretty good, but honestly i don’t know, it doesn’t land as perfectly as i would hope for it to do, i don’t think i have much to explain, i just think this song is kinda ordinary, nothing against it, in fact it’s pretty good. But I really don’t feel crazy about it.

THE AFGHAN WHIGS-Every Little Thing She Does is Magic


It’s not a bad song by itself, in fact it’s pretty fine, but as a cover of the original The Police this is absolute garbage, the tender, happy, light tone of the original is replaced with a depressing, repetitive Brand New-esque guitar tone that gets a little tired too fast, it’s not bad per se, but compared to the original it’s really dull. Greg Dulli vocals are really bad here, they start fine but then halfway through he starts using that robotic voice sound effect that modern metal singers use so they can pretend they’re not creatively bankrupt and are actually trying something new, it’s REALLY grating, plus near the end he starts singing with some “Yo” “yo “yo “Yo”, it’s honestly really sad. And it’s a shame, his voice is still pretty alright, which is impressive considering almost 25 years after the band’s original break-up, but it’s really ruined by these stupid effects. The production is okay/alright, albeit the effects I already talked about are really annoying, there’s nothing really to say about the lyrics, they’re pretty alright. It’s not BAD bad, if you don’t know the original song, it’s actually pretty okay, but as a cover, it’s honestly just terrible, and i don’t really recommend it.



I’m sorry Miku, but your vocals aren’t working here.

This is for the most part an amazing cover of Boy Harsher’s internet Hit “Pain”, with a really great keyboard work that really encapsulates the feeling of the original song really well, I really like the instrumental in this song, but i have a real problem with Hatsune Miku synthetic vocals here. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hatsune Miku, who doesn’t??, but her vocals don’t really work or have the good rhythm for the song, it sounds a little too robotic, which considering how alive Miku can sound, it’s really overwhelming and kind of ruins the song. It doesn’t make it bad, it’s a great song and a great cover, but it is a little underwhelming when the singing actually comes out.

THE WEEKND-Nothing is Lost (You Give Me Strength)



This sounds way too much like a song from an Avatar movie (which guess what, IT IS a song from an Avatar movie), it has no real identity and doesn’t really sound like a The Weeknd song, just like a song he was paid to make. The production is really bland, the lyrics are extremely cheesy, the music is alright to be honest, but really bland and cheesy. The only salvation is that Abel’s vocals are pretty good and the song itself is pretty listenable and okay/alright, and it probably works in the movie or trailer. Other than that, it’s pretty disposable, albeit not terrible.



I like the song by itself, it’s a pretty great Hum/Nothing-esque mix of Emo and Shoegaze that work very well and has some pretty good riffs, however the singing is too low and a little too generic, the production works but is a little thin especially in the sound of the guitars and i can’t really hear the bass on it, the lyrics are really juvenile and poorly written. It’s a pretty good song by itself, but with the whole package, it’s just alright.



Uhhhhhhhhhhh, groovy. I really like the instrumental on this thing, it’s just so catchy and funky I just can’t deny it, the vocals and the production are good, a little too repetitive but it is fine. The lyrics are bad, too full of onomatopoeias and weird sounds, the whole thing feels underwritten, but besides that it’s a pretty good song, not the most original but yeah, it’s fine.



Now, hear me, I don't understand jackfuck about russian hip hop drama, and neither do i care about it, but as far as i can see in the translation, i don’t think Oxxymiron likes Morgeshtern very much. But that's just me.

And I don't think I can really say anything about the song. I mean the beat is kinda bland, and the production has some moments but is overall pretty meh, i like how it sounds though, and i appreciate Oxxymiron’s rapping and voice, he has a decent flow, albeit it’s a little too monotonous and boring sometimes, but it’s still okay, The lyrics are, you know, full of russian references i don’t really understand, it’s a diss track (and a pretty brutal one) on other russian rapper, Morgenshtern, who apparently dissed him because he’s washed and was really starving for that sweet mainstream relevant rapper from a bigger and more influential rapper. You know, it’s just the Machine Gun Kelly vs Eminem situation all over again, but this time it’s Russian and the Russian Eminem still puts out listenable music.

So returning to it, the lyrics are full of cultural references of other russian rappers and artists which me, being a brazilian dude who writes reviews in english to try (and fail) to impress pretentious foreigners, don’t understand or know who are, it’s not even bad lyrics, it has some bars i don’t like (and i will not explain because i’m a coward), but honestly i can’t really form a real opinion on the lyrics, it’s just not for me.

You know that’s it, it’s a diss track, it’s a song that exists, it’s not awful, in fact it’s a pretty good song, some bars are a little questionable and the lyrics don’t really make sense for me, but yes, it exists and it deserves to. It’s not the Russian “Story of Adidon”, as Oxxxymiron thinks it is, but it surely is the Russian “Kill Shot”, and i’m okay with that.


LUISA SONZA-Mama.Cita (Hasta la Vista)


Eu estou cansado da Luisa Sonza.

É a mesma coisa de sempre, musiquinha meio reggaeton bem genérica, bosta de letra sexual brega e lixo, produção mediana, A Luisa tem uma voz boa, mas nem um pouco interessante de ouvir, o feat é um grande foda-se. É a mesma merda de sempre e eu estou de saco cheio.

Eu só quero que ela vá embora e volte quando fizer algo decente.


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